We offer wide range of data services like Data Preloading, Auto-Run, Drive Lock, Drive Label, etc.
A USB Flash Drive offers you immense scope of marketing your products, services and brands to the recipients. Whether you are gifting these Flash Drives to your employees and clients or using it during an event you have a big opportunity to cash on. At ExpressCustomUSB being market leaders in tailored USB Flash Drives we add spark to your marketing campaign using Data Preloading, Data Lock and Auto Run solutions.

Data Pre-Loading
Why offer a blank Flash Drive when there are many megabytes of marketing opportunity? We can preload everything from product catalogs to presentations, product images and your company literature in these USB Drives. Preloading data has become one of the most effective and efficient marketing strategies. You can upload different kinds of data onto your Flash Drives including –
Auto Run Function
Auto Run function takes your marketing campaign to the next level and at Express Custom USB we let you draw maximum mileage out of this strategy. As the name suggests this technology automatically runs the preloaded data once a user inserts the Flash Drive into the computer/laptop.
Here a normal Flash Drive which acts as a Removable Drive is changed to a Local Disk with a small program and an AutoRun.inf file. This will add a new dimension to your marketing campaign.
You would be able to showcase the most important parts of your preloaded data to the user as soon as they plug the USB drive into the computer. We also let you create an HTML Menu that offers users access to different content and information on your USB Drive ensuring you get eyeballs where you want.

Drive Label
Drive Label which is also known as the volume label is the title assigned that shows up when the Flash Drive is first formatted or created. Using a custom title instead of a generic one is one of the best ways to brand your USB drives.
This ensures that the Flash drive isn’t just branded from outside but inside too. At Express Custom USB we would charge a small fee to customize this based on your specifications. You can use your brand name or an acronym up to 11 characters that would show up on My Computer or similar windows in other platforms. It is a nice way to remind the users of your brand.